Scrollino Summer Tour 2018

Tour 2018

We have been busy this summer, set on a roadtrip through Europe to bring Scrollino to many nice places! See what we’ve been up to…

Scrollino® Amazing Summer


Photo Credits: Scrollino, 2018

Our Road trip Started in Germany

This June has been a fulfilling month, showing and selling Scrollino® at festivals and other events in 5 different countries. We started our journey across Europe at the International Comic Salon Erlangen, in Germany, with four full days of introducing the public to Scrollino from our table in the Schlossgarten tent. The atmosphere was very convivial and alive with people stopping by our table often, trying out Scrollino® for themselves.

Scrollino in Erlangen

The 18th Erlangen International Comic Salon, located right in the heart of the city, started on the last day of May and we were lucky to enjoy the sunny days. The Comic Fair showcased more than 150 exhibitors – publishers, artists, agencies and comic dealers. We had a lot of fun revealing our own colorful story to attendees and fellow artists. Read more.

Prague was our Next Stop

We have planned the next stop for our beloved Prague (Czech Republic) as it is no more than a few hours away from Germany. In Prague, we did not schedule any particular event, on the other hand, we did our tour to bookshops and design stores, to bring our new Scrollino editions. So now, when you stroll around the city center and admire the beautiful monuments and lovely corners all around, you can also enjoy shopping for our Scrollino.

Prague City center


Ludmila Favardin (on the photo)

Find Scrollino at selected Museums, Galleries, Bookshops and Design Stores in Prague, such as The National Gallery in Prague, Museum Kampa, Modernista Design Shop or Papirna Stationery Store. Check the updated list of selling points in Prague.

I Never Read, Art Book Fair,Basel

Basel (Switzerland) was our 3rd stop at our Scrollino Summer Tour through Europe. This year, I Never Read fair offered curated talks, live radio booth, workshops, musical guests, and happenings and gathered over 100 of exhibitors. Publishers and artists exhibiting at I Never Read, came from all around the world to present their art books and experimental printed matter in the space of Kaserne in Basel from June 13th to 16th. Our Talk about the creative possibilities of Scrollino was on the program on Friday. Check photos from the event.

Fumetti, Nantes, France

Next stop the three of us – Sylvain, Ludmila, and Stephanie – split up to cover two festivals in the same weekend – I Never Read Art in Basel, Switzerland for Sylvain and Ludmila, and Festival Fumetti in Nantes, France, for Stephanie. Over in Nantes, Scrollino® came back for the fourth time with our most refined art book yet, the Scrollino as it exists today. Once again Scrollino was a hit, and we were so happy to be there to (re)introduce Scrollino to visitors from Nantes and beyond. Shop for Scrollino available in Nantes and around.

Scrollino Coloring


Bestseller at Fumetti Festival

We have been around the Fumetti Festival since 2015 and also thanks to the enthusiastic co-exhibitors, editors, illustrators and visitors, we kept going with our idea of endless books printed in rolls that finally led to the invention of Scrollino. This year it was the Scrollino Coloring that caught the eyes of the visitors the most.

Cotonfioc, Genoa, Italy

The very next weekend, it was off to Genoa Italy, for Cotonfioc – a weekend of great exhibitors, cool music, and the sunny seaside atmosphere of the Italian coastline. Scrollino® made a veritable splash at the festival, which was held in the former psychiatric hospital of Genoa, with its airy archways and courtyards full of sun and greenery for attendees to discover new books, magazines, and art in a spacious and unique atmosphere.

I Never Read, Basel


June 13th – 16th, 2018

Cotonfioc is the Genoese festival entirely dedicated to the visual arts, independent publishing, and self-production. The program accompanying the Cotonfioc festival in Genoa was full of talks, workshops, and exhibitions. The main exhibition “Gli Altri – Visto da vicino, nessuno è normale” included thirty artworks. Check more details about this unique event.

Back in the Studio

Overall it was a whirlwind of great experiences, meeting new people, exploring new destinations, spreading the fun and joy of Scrollino® to brighten the days of children and adults alike. Of course, it brightened our days too, seeing all the eyes wide with wonder and smiles full of anticipation to start creating with their very own Scrollino® or enjoying the diverse stories we have. With all this great energy, we’re back in the studio, creating and planning the next surprises just for you, so stay tuned for more!

Art Basel & Design Miami

Art & Design Basel, Switzerland Read More

Scrollino Summer Tour 2018

Events and festivals France, Italy & more Read More

Scrollino, Pizza & Gelato

Festival Cotonfioc, Italy Read More

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Created by Ludmila & Sylvain Favardin

Scrollino® is the revolutionary book form and editorial concept offering a playful experience to all dreamers big and small. A simple pencil is all you need to read, rewind, or even to write in your Scrollino®.

Dreamed up and created by the founding artists of Edition Lidu, Ludmila & Sylvain Favardin.

Read our Story here.