Learn Colors through Play

Learn Colors

Learning through play is the best way for kids to get excited and to keep their knowledge. Come discover this beautiful and fun Scrollino® COLORS.

Scrollino® Colors


Concept & Design by Ludmila & Sylvain Favardin

Develop Imagination
& Fine Motor Skills

Did you know that Scrollino is a perfect tool for developing the fine motor skills of your children? Thanks to the unique interactive design and the special rewinding system (The Scroller), children can enjoy playing, reading, and learning all in one. By inserting and turning the pencil in the Scrollers they will connect the right brain cells to better understand movement and space, unlike playing with tablets. The Scrollino® COLORS is very appealing to kids and it will help your little ones to awake the curiosity and imagination.

Read and Learn


For children 3yrs and up

Learning through play is the best way for kids to get excited and to keep their knowledge. That is why we have created the Montessori like IN THE ZOO Scrollino Collection. The Scrollino® COLORS (part of this collection) will reveal little by little the basic colors explained on beautifully illustrated examples of animals, food and objects.

Learn Colors

The Scrollino® COLORS is especially dedicated to kids. Great for preschoolers and first graders who are just about to learn the colors, this Scrollino also introduces the children into reading as the bold pictures with contrasting colors are accompanied by words.

Fun and

Now, you know that Scrollino is interactive, fun, and you do not even need to recharge it. But did you know it is also fully recyclable and 100% compostable? Well yeah, it is, thanks to the organic, yet high-quality materials we use. Personally, we consider Scrollino a precious and beautiful book object which can inspire your little ones for a long time to come, so you may never want to throw it away. But one never knows, so we made sure Scrollino will not make any unwanted waste in the future. Check all the details about the Scrollino COLORS!

I Never Read Art Book Fair Basel 2018

Art Fairs Basel, Switzerland Read More

Scrollino, Pizza & Gelato

Festival Cotonfioc, Italy Read More

Meet Quido, the elephant!

New Kids Collection In the ZOO Read More

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Created by Ludmila & Sylvain Favardin

Scrollino® is the revolutionary book form and editorial concept offering a playful experience to all dreamers big and small. A simple pencil is all you need to read, rewind, or even to write in your Scrollino®.

Dreamed up and created by the founding artists of Edition Lidu, Ludmila & Sylvain Favardin.

Read our Story here.

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