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Scrollino s.r.o.
Salvátorská 931/8,
Old Town, Prague
Czech Republic

36 Bd Joliot Curie
44 200 Nantes

Winston Churchill Square, 1800/2
130 00 Prague 3
Czech Republic

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For inquiries concerning Sales and Online Orders please contact us at sales@scrollino.com, for other inquiries write us at info@scrollino.com or use the contact form. We will be happy to answer your questions.
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Created by Ludmila & Sylvain Favardin
Scrollino® is the revolutionary book form and editorial concept offering a playful experience to all dreamers big and small. A simple pencil is all you need to read, rewind, or even to write in your Scrollino®.
Dreamed up and created by the founding artists of Edition Lidu, Ludmila & Sylvain Favardin.